Community Action and Revitalization Program (CARP)

The Community Action and Revitalization Program (CARP) was first initiated through the Tribal Permanent Land Restoration Fund. Currently there are over 140 abandoned building structures such as homes and mobile homes on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. The CARP program is designed to beautify and revitalize the Tribe through small and large scale cleanup projects of abandoned structures such as homes and mobile lost through fire, homes that may pose an environmental health risk, and building structures that Tribal members/owners want demolished.

**CARP is a joint effort by EPO, Tribal Police, Tribal Public Works Department, and Tribal Fire and Rescue Department**

CARP Benefits to our Communities
  • Helps keep our Tribal lands clean and free of unsafe structures.
  • Reduce and illegal activities with in these abandoned structures.
  • Reduction of vacant properties.
  • Revitalizing these sites may increase interest for future development in each community.
Examples of abandoned structures that are unsafe to the Public:
  • One on one with EPO Staff.
  • Removal permit must be signed by owner(s) and provide proof of ownership.
  • Cost of demolition depends on size of builing structure.
  • EPO will conduct Cleanup Plan and Close-Out Report for each site.
Example of before and after CARP cleanup project:


More CARP sites before and after:

CARP before, during, and after.

WMAT CARP site map
© 2017 White Mountain Apache Tribe