Revitalizing agricultural traditions to combat diabetes and obesity

Ndée Bíkíyáą, The People’s Farm is a sustainable farming project going in to its fifth (5th) year of operation. We have committed 24 acres to the cultivation of fruits and vegetables in means of garden beds, orchards and cornfields.
A shift away from agriculture among the White Mountain Apache has led to an erosion of cultural identity and epidemic health issues, especially diabetes and obesity.
The tribe's Water Resource Department are working on an ambitious pilot project to revitalize agriculture. Farming plays a central role in our tribe’s history and culture, and we are determined to reinvigorate local farming practices and to foster entrepreneurship

Our Story

1980’s Tribal Farm is opened, marketing animal feed. Due to mismanagement, Tribal Farm is forced to shut down then reopened in the winter of 2009 when it became targeted for water development during our Tribe’s Water Rights Mitigation. Networking begins. Waste, Pest and Organic Contracts signed with Tribal Farm and the Natural Resource Contract Services. Partners with local Health Programs and helps establish a Community Visioning Board. Community events are hosted, starting with a Garden Expo in 2010 attracting under 100 participants. Our Latest was the Apache Harvest Celebration which drew over 400 people. 2010 an abundant harvest N’dee Bikiyaa created and established the Fort Apache Farmer’s Market which runs June through October. Major projects we’re currently working on. GAP Certification through the USDA, (big ?????), Construction of a passive solar greenhouse, completing our Community Center and building school gardens. Fall 2009 Summer 2015 More coming soon...